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Slim Fast: How to Lose Belly Fat Without Going Hungry

Only For People Who Want a Sexier Body Fast!

In this article we are going to quickly cover some easy ways to lose that pesky belly fat that so many of us struggle with....EVEN when we are able to lose important inches in OTHER areas of our anatomies! So if you've made some progress with your weight loss goals ONLY to find a soft stumbling block in your mid section, fret not! You DO have choices, and we're going to cover a few easy ones below! Read on..:-)

Stay Full - Get Flat:

The KEY to dieting successfully, as you probably already know, is satiating your appetite without an over abundance of calories. The types of calories that you consume, is FAR more important than many fitness philosophers will tell you, with SOME types of foods converting to fat much more easily than others. To stay FULL, you need to eat the right foods, in the right combinations, and in the right sequences during the day. I recommend a calorie shifting diet, that includes LOTS of lean proteins, healthy whole grains, plenty of clear fluids, and low in processed ANYTHING, but most importantly - refined sugars.

What is calorie shifting?

It's the fundamental theory behind the fat loss 4 idiots diet, which essentially argues that the metabolism is KICK started by a diverse menu, and disciplined meal scheduling, ( 150-180 minutes between meals)

I also recommend a healthy combination of cardiovascular exercise, in combination with high rep, low weight resistance training for those who REALLY want a fab beach body in rapid fire turn around time.

Remember -EVEN though this summer is coming to a quick close, you CAN turn heads on the beach, in the boardroom ( or in the bedroom..:-) if you get started now!

Remember - if you HAVEN'T been able to lose weight's NOT your fault! Knowledge is POWER, and the most important step on the path to a beautiful body is information, EDUCATION and empowerment!

Who is Calorie Shifting For?

Anyone who has NOT had success on OTHER diet programs! If you've failed with other weight loss regimens, the calorie shifting community may be EXACTLY what you are looking for.

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