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Slim Fast: A Look at Atkins, Slim Fast, and Medifast Shakes

I think that it's very appealing to think that a product that's so convenient and decent tasting can compose a large part of your diet plan and weight loss. I'm often asked about the differences between many of the popular diet shakes on the market. So, in the following article, I will compare three popular shakes (atkins, slim fast, and medifast) in terms of taste, calories, protein, carbs, and sugar.

Atkins Diet Shakes: First up, I'm going to look at the atkins shakes. I'm looking at the advantage milk chocolate product. This shake contains 160 calories, 9 grams of fat, 4 grams of carbs, 1 gram of sugar, and 15 grams of protein. In terms of taste, I find this product to be a bit chalky and to have an almost artificial sweet taste. This product does have an impressive amount of protein, but it's relatively high in calories and fat.

Slim Fast Weight Loss Shakes: When I went to do research for this article, I found that the slim fast shakes had recently been recalled. Still, the nutritional information was still available. I will be looking at the original slim fast milk chocolate shake. This shake checks in with a whopping 220 calories, but has only 3 grams of fat. It has a disturbing 30 grams of carbs and 34 grams of sugars. In its defense, it does have 10 grams of protein. Still, the fat, calories, and the high amount of carbs and sugars will probably run counter to this. And to make matters worse, the taste of this product is by far the chalkiest of all three shakes.

Medifast Weight Loss Shakes: Now, I'll look at the medifast 55 dutch chocolate shake. There is only 1 gram of fat, 13 grams of carbohydrates, 8 sugars, and 11 grams of protein. This one has the lowest amount of calories and fat by far. I do have to add some extra liquid to this product because I don't like shakes that are too thick, but with that little modification made, this one is my opinion the best tasting of the bunch.

How These Shakes Fit Into A Plan Of Weight Loss Based Partly On Ketosis: Most of these shakes work under two principals. They want to save you calories on your meals and they want to save you sugars and carbs while giving you more protein. The goal here is to get your body into ketosis so that it's able to burn fat instead of sugars and carbs. I find it questionable that the slim fast shake would meet this criteria. There is simply too much sugars and calories. The atkins shake is better in this regard, but it still has significantly more calories and a whopping nine grams of fat, which I find pretty problematic. I might be biased because I regularly consume medifast shakes, but I find them to be the winner both in terms of nutrition and taste.


Slim Fast: Burning Off Extra Fat the Simple and Easy Way

You want to look excellent, but require a bit of support burning off the unwanted fat, so you would like to seek the perfect slim fast weight loss secrets that will help you to accomplish your purpose. The examples below are all tried and honest suggestions for speedy fat reduction.

Detoxify One's Liver

One underlying cause why diet plans don't succeed is a result of having a malfunctioning liver. The liver assists in sustaining your pounds. A way to detoxify your liver would be to stay clear of chemical substances in drinks and food. This usually means avoiding sugar substitutes in food and drink, including rinse fiber rich foods in an organic and natural clean to remove toxins. This is one more path for fast fat loss. A healthful liver will assist in fat burning by wiping out all the toxins and helps to process the foodstuff appropriately to always keep you well and healthy.

Eat More Vegetables and Fruits

In the course of weight reduction, you should be positive that you are getting all the minerals and vitamins which your entire body need. By eating more fruits and vegetables, you are typically having assurance of a slim fast weight loss result. This also adds the much needed dietary fiber to your food that you might need to keep strong internal organs and colon. A well balanced healthy eating plan is also a contributing factor in providing you the healthful lean shape which you want to attain with your weight reduction technique.

Consuming More Good Fats

Here is another slim fast weight loss tip to take into consideration. Eating good fats will also assist you to experience weight loss. These different types of good fats come from foodstuff like shrimp, salmon, herring, sardine and mackerel. These kinds of good fats can even assist with the calorie burning. Good protein products are food such as shrimp, low fat yogurt, fish, skim milk and low fat cottage cheese. By taking these things, you are having good protein to your diet that will support in repairing your body and keeping cholesterol down.


Slim Fast: Can I Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Days?

The Weight Loss Plan That Melts Away Fat

How is that that celebrities can constantly stay so skinny? Even when they gain weight, they can turn around and drop 10 pounds in a few days. If you want that firm, skinny stomach, here's what they they're doing...

There's no doubt that watching what you eat will help you reach your goals. That doesn't mean you have to sit around and count calories, but you should avoid stuffing your face with pizza, beer, and junk foods. That's not going to help, but you can eat the foods you enjoy in moderation.

Exercise, of course, is also going to help. Once you lose weight, you also want a tone, well shaped body. That's where exercise comes in and can help you firm up those loose spots.

But there's another piece...

To lose 10 pounds or more in 7 days or less, you need to turn your body in a fat burning machine. Hollywood is doing this by taking a diet supplement that increases metabolism, digests food properly, and includes a powerful anti-oxidant that destroys parasites that make your body sluggish.

By increasing your metabolism, your body will eat away fat even while you are at rest, and something like an acai berry supplement or colon cleanse can do just that for you. In the meantime, this will reduce bloating and allow you to break down and pass food efficiently, giving you a skinny stomach in days.

This method receives incredible amounts of attention from popular talk shows and celebs that make you drop your jaw when you see how fast the results are, and it continues to work over and over again.


Slim Fast: How to Lose Belly Fat Without Going Hungry

Only For People Who Want a Sexier Body Fast!

In this article we are going to quickly cover some easy ways to lose that pesky belly fat that so many of us struggle with....EVEN when we are able to lose important inches in OTHER areas of our anatomies! So if you've made some progress with your weight loss goals ONLY to find a soft stumbling block in your mid section, fret not! You DO have choices, and we're going to cover a few easy ones below! Read on..:-)

Stay Full - Get Flat:

The KEY to dieting successfully, as you probably already know, is satiating your appetite without an over abundance of calories. The types of calories that you consume, is FAR more important than many fitness philosophers will tell you, with SOME types of foods converting to fat much more easily than others. To stay FULL, you need to eat the right foods, in the right combinations, and in the right sequences during the day. I recommend a calorie shifting diet, that includes LOTS of lean proteins, healthy whole grains, plenty of clear fluids, and low in processed ANYTHING, but most importantly - refined sugars.

What is calorie shifting?

It's the fundamental theory behind the fat loss 4 idiots diet, which essentially argues that the metabolism is KICK started by a diverse menu, and disciplined meal scheduling, ( 150-180 minutes between meals)

I also recommend a healthy combination of cardiovascular exercise, in combination with high rep, low weight resistance training for those who REALLY want a fab beach body in rapid fire turn around time.

Remember -EVEN though this summer is coming to a quick close, you CAN turn heads on the beach, in the boardroom ( or in the bedroom..:-) if you get started now!

Remember - if you HAVEN'T been able to lose weight's NOT your fault! Knowledge is POWER, and the most important step on the path to a beautiful body is information, EDUCATION and empowerment!

Who is Calorie Shifting For?

Anyone who has NOT had success on OTHER diet programs! If you've failed with other weight loss regimens, the calorie shifting community may be EXACTLY what you are looking for.


Slim fast: Three Reasons to Avoid Fad Diets

New diets come out all of the time and I'll give them one credit, they can be motivating. The idea of trying something new and following a plan to benefit yourself is a lot easier than doing it on your own.

Still, fad diets can do more harm than good. If you want motivation it is much better to hire a personal trainer and/or nutritionist to develop a program and meal plan for you.

Three Reasons to Avoid Fad Diets

1. Many diets skip food groups. Just because a diet has been effective for some people, doesn't mean they are healthy. When The Atkins Diet came out, people were pleasantly surprised that they could eat as much bacon, eggs and cheese as they wanted. However, while eating only protein causes weight loss, the diet also had high amounts of saturated fat which is bad for your heart. With no carbs many participants complained of headaches, feeling weak and having stomach upset. Carbohydrates give you energy and they feed your brain. Without them you cannot function properly inside or out!

2. Fad Diets leave you feeling deprived. Diets like Slimfast and the Cabbage Soup Diet are repetitive and boring. Drinking shakes all day or eating a lot of soup may help you to lose weight but you are also starving yourself. These types of diets cannot be maintained forever because your body will crave proper food. When you do eat right again, you will gain the weight back.

3. Weight fluctuations are bad for your health. If you try out a diet and lose weight, then go off the diet and gain it back you are endangering your health. In addition to unhealthy weight loss and gain, every time you lose weight and put it back on, it is harder to get rid of it again.

Fad diets are usually marketing gimmicks used to entice consumers. They are advertised as tasty, easy and effective. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

It's much better to do things the old fashioned way with exercise and a proper diet for safe long lasting results and a healthy body.


Slim fast: Is Your Fad Diet Making You Old?

It seems that many of us are obsessed with our weight and nobody relishes the idea of getting older. However, insight into our hormonal system is revealing that our quest for a thin waist is likely prematurely aging us.

A simple review of biology shows that our unconscious body systems are run by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This nervous system is equally regulated by a sympathetic (dominated by the adrenal glands) and parasympathetic branch (dominated by the thyroid). These two branches regulate the "break-down" and "repair" cycles of our body. In a balanced, healthy individual, the sympathetic system functions during the day to give us energy and stamina for mental clarity and activity throughout the day. When night falls, the parasympathetic branch kicks in delivering a cocktail of hormones to help us to repair the damage done by the activity during the day and replenish brain chemicals. In other words, when we have a balanced ANS, we repair at night what we break down during the day and our system remains healthy and vibrant and energetic.

So, you may ask, what does this have to do with dieting? The preferred route for dieters seeking a smaller pant size is the calorie deficit; cutting down calories and eating less to create a deficit in the body to burn fat. Sounds great right? Well, if someone is clearly eating too much, then the calorie intake will clearly have to decrease to obtain an ideal weight. However, most people who are consuming too many calories are entirely malnourished. This means that they are eating the wrong kinds of foods in excessive quantities. Instead of staying satiated, their hunger increases so that the body can obtain the needed nutrients in the next meal. This kicks off a vicious cycle of malnourishment with over-consumption of calories and weight-gain.

When your body is malnourished, it unbalances the autonomic nervous system. If this person decided to cut calories without improving the nutrient values in the food, then he or she is getting even LESS of the bad food and LESS of the little nutrition they were getting before. The body becomes even more malnourished and more unbalanced. This is particularly true, in my opinion, when people use the popular diet foods like Slimfast and other ultra-processed alternatives. At what point in human evolution have we ever consumed food like that and how can we justify them being "good for us" simply because it helps us lose a dress or pant size for a week? Compounding the problem is the fact that our bodies produce more cortisol through the adrenal glands when we are in a calorie deficit and under stress. Cortisol is our breakdown hormone and this level rises, and remains elevated, until the original weight is gained back again.

Too much cortisol results in a sympathetic over-dominance (meaning that our "break down" cycle is greater than our repair cycle.) Add smoking, drinking, lack of sleep, stress, excessive cardio exercise, and poor food quality to the weight of the load already put on the nervous system and we get severe cortisol/adrenal dominance in our ANS. This dominance of our breakdown cycle is a little like driving your car 3000 miles and then only swapping out half of the oil when you get it changed. Over time, the oil becomes very dirty and the car stops running so great. This happens to your body. Like having an ever-increasing list of deferred maintenance issues, your body cannot hope to repair because you are always breaking down more than you are repairing.
This imbalance can manifest itself as anything from skin problems, loss of muscle tone, increased body fat, or disease. It is, in effect, a cycle of continual degeneration and rapid aging.

The key to addressing this problem lies in providing your body with the nutrition it needs and avoiding calorie deficits like the plague. When you begin to feed your body the nutrients it needs to balance itself, your body returns naturally to an ideal weight and vigor. I recommend metabolic eating and organic and hormone-free food sources to achieve this maximum balance. Perseverance and starvation is NOT the answer; play the game intelligently and maintain your youth, energy AND ideal body weight. Go for the quick fix and you are bound to pay the price of accelerated aging.


Slim Fast: How to Lose Weight Fast With Easy Diets

Many people think that losing weight and dieting is all hard work, but the truth is that diet can be an easy task when you really are committed and determined to do it. You can discover how to lose weight fast simply by checking out and researching on which could be the right diet for you. There are several choices for you check out, all you have to do is go over them thoroughly and find one that best suits your lifestyle.

You Can Do It Quick and Easy

One of the newest diet regimens is the Nutrisystem which is a diet centered on eating pre-packaged meals. Once you sign up and join this diet system, you will have your food sent straight to your door and all you need to do it to prepare and eat it. Nutrisystem is considered as one of the easiest diets as there is no need for scheduling or counting of calories that goes with some other diet systems. They also provide a huge variety of food choices including desserts so you won't grow tired of your diet. Nutrisystem also have an online support forum that allows members to communicate with other dieters and even healthcare professionals and nutritionist.

Another popular diet that you can go for is Slimfast. This is a great diet system for people having a busy lifestyle. Slimfast includes shakes and snacks bars that provides adequate nutritional value. This is great for short-term weight loss and is very convenient that you will need to cook only one meal in a day. Slimfast shakes are for a great meal substitute when you are in a hurry and make it a great diet solution for how to lose weight fast.

Make Sure You Still Eat

For people working on losing weight, it is important that they focus on diets that allow for sensible eating along with proper exercise. Weight watchers are also one popular diet that is flexible which makes it one of the easiest diets to follow. Weight watchers focuses on assigning points on different foods and provides you with a set of points that you should stick to on a given day. You don't need calorie counting, prepackaged meals or meal scheduling to buy so you don't have to spend and you can cut down on the cost. Like most of the popular diets, weight watcher also comes with live member meeting as well as online forum for support.

The internet provides plenty of information on how to lose weight fast. You can find different diets to choose from yet you cannot really guarantee on losing weight on some of your tries. You can try visiting a doctor or nutritionist, which can be really beneficial for you.