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Slim Fast : The Slim Fast Diet Plan - Have You Had Your Chocolate Shake For Breakfast?

Slim Fast

Slim Fast and the Slim Fast diet plan have been around for more than 20 years now. Without a doubt they have become the most popular diet shake around. But, does this weight loss plan really work?

The Slim Fast Diet Plan

The Slim Fast plan is not difficult to follow. You have a Slim Fast shake for breakfast in the morning and another one for lunch. For dinner, the plan calls for a "sensible" meal. Sensible can mean many different things to people, but that's another story.

You can also have two pieces of fruit each day as well as one of Slim Fast's nutritional bars.

The shakes and nutritional bars can be purchased at any grocery store or Wal-Mart.

The Slim Fast diet plan also includes regular exercise and encourages you to drink 8 glasses of water a day. These are two important points and keys to success in any type of weight loss program.

Does the plan work?

The Slim Fast plan will reduce your daily calories to around 1200 if you eat that sensible dinner each night. This means that anyone should lose weight with the plan.

While you can definitely lose weight with Slim Fast, there are some drawbacks. Since this is a calorie restricted diet, you may not get enough vitamins and minerals to maintain good health. A multi vitamin could help.

The reliance on making yourself a sensible dinner can also be difficult. Because you have only had 2 shakes all day along with a piece of fruit, you're going to be hungry. It's very easy to get carried away at dinner. It will take some extra discipline to make it work.

By the way, you can learn more about How To Lose Weight as well as see the results from the plan I've been on and much more information on weight loss on my blog at The Idiot Proof Diet

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Slim Fast : Lose Weight and Feel Great Diet Plan

Slim Fast

We have all heard of the Slim Fast Diet plan because it has been around for 20 years now and is more popular than ever. They used to use Tommy Lasorda as their pitch man and he was great because he used the plan and lost a lot of weight. Now the company has moved on to Fitness Models and they have helped the brand become as popular as it is.

The original product was there famous shakes which is a meal replacement. They have since added many different snack bars and drink powders to there line of weigh loss products.

The company has always promoted not only using there weight loss products but to mix there products with a balanced diet and exercise plan. Recently the company has released a new weight loss product called Slim Fast Optima, and the advantage to using this product is that it is a low sugar alternative to the original Slim Fast Drink.

Studies show that Slim Fast works and has helped people have substantial weight loss and they have also been able to keep the weight off. It also showed that over a 10 year period the people who used the weight loss drink were on average 33 pounds thinner than those who did not. The study was done in a particular community and is one of the largest studies done of its kind.

People sometimes question a meal replacement plan that when you return to regular eating that you will gain all the weight back. The studies show that the habit that is formed from not having that meal will continue and that you will feel full and will not want to eat a large meal.

Learn how to find: Slim Fast Optima Secrets

Get Great Advice About: Losing Weight

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Weight Loss.


Slim Fast : How To Become Slim In 4 Weeks Using The Calorie Shifting Diet

Slim Fast

Do you have some unwanted pounds to get rid of? Do you feel depressed about it and it makes you terrified to leave your house? Do you avoid mirrors because you don't like to see yourself being that big? All you can think about is how to lose those 20 pounds as quickly as possible. You have tried being on a diet before but failed.

You find it hard to just eat salad and cucumber - you just love meat! Well, maybe the old fashioned types of diet don't fit you. The thing you need to do is to try a diet called the calorie shifting diet. It will make you succeed with the weight loss.

The calorie shifting diet is a new diet plan which helps you to easily lose those unwanted pounds, and the best of all, it goes very fast. The strategy of the calorie shifting diet is that the eating pattern will encourage your brain to tell your body to burn that excess fat faster. This way you'll lose weight fast and get slim fast.

The best thing is - you can eat everything you want 3 days every second week - no prohibitions. Maybe you have tried low fat, low calorie, and low carbohydrate diets? Well you will be relieved to know that this diet plan does not involve counting any of those things. The only thing you will be counting is the number of meals that you consume - 4 meals every day.

Do you like to take a glass of wine or beer and have some late night snacks and despite that lose weight? If you do, the calorie shifting diet will make you slim in just 4 weeks.

One of the best and most popular calorie shifting diets is Fat Loss 4 Idiots. You can read more about it here

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Slim Fast : Top 5 Ways to Feel Slim, Fast

Slim Fast

Are you tired of waking up feeling bloated? Then eating breakfast and feeling three months pregnant? Here's great news! You can remedy this problem easily.

Start today by doing the following five tips.

1. Cut portions in half.
Whatever amount you typically portion out for yourself, cut it in half. American portions are out of control. We often dish up more than we should at home and without a doubt we are served more than one serving in a restaurant. As you pare down your serving sizes, you will start to register being full with less food. Using a smaller plate will trick your mind into thinking you are getting your usual amount of food.

2. Plan and eat only 3 meals and 1 snack.
Yes, plan your meals. Pick the time you will eat and if your schedule is tight put it on your calendar so you can't overlook it. Skipping meals does not help with slimming down, it only helps to slow your metabolism. When planning your meals, think about where you will be and who you will be with at that time. Should you take your lunch to work to eat with coworkers instead of ordering take-out? Maybe you can view a menu online before going out to dinner and choose your meal ahead of time. Going to a family event? Then look back in your mind to past events and rehearse what you will say when Aunt Betty tries to push off the last little bit of her "famous" dish on you. It never hurts to be honest in these situations and say something like "No thank you, "I am trying to cut back on my portions" or "I am trying to watch what I eat these days to improve my health". It is also always a good idea to complement someone on their dish in the same breath so they don't feel like you dislike their contribution to the meal. Planning a snack is equally important. Your snack can be mid-morning, mid-afternoon, or in the evening. The time of day should reflect your schedule. Choose the time of day with the longest gap between meals. Snacks are supposed to help you curb your appetite until the next meal, not be a meal unto themselves. Approximately 150 calories is a good snack amount.

3. Stop eating after 8 pm.
This is not a magic trick. It simply allows your body the time needed to digest everything before going to sleep. And guess what? You're more likely to wake up ready for breakfast because you didn't go to bed full. You'll start the day fresh and with more energy. If you are an early to bed kind of gal, say 9pm, then stop eating by 7 pm at the latest. Give yourself at least two hours sans food before getting any shut eye.

4. Choose high fiber foods.
Simply put, choose foods with at least 3-4 grams of fiber per serving. Your total for the day should be 25-35 grams. Fiber is found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts primarily. Make every meal and snack count or you will come up short at the end of the day. A high fiber cereal, like Kashi, Fiber One, or oatmeal make a good breakfast. Whole grain bread for your sandwiches, fresh fruit and vegetables help you get your fiber in a simple lunch. Dinner may include a garden salad, a bean dish (or add beans to your salad) and maybe nuts as part of your snack. Piecing it all together doesn't have to be difficult, but it does take some planning.

5. Exercise in the morning.
Get it done early, no excuses. No matter what happens during the rest of the day, you will have gotten your exercise in. It will also give you an extra spring in your step. Who couldn't use a little more energy during the day? The extra calorie burn or "afterburn" from the increase in metabolism during the following couple of hours is not substantial, but can be considered a bonus for the early birds.

Five simple steps to feeling slim fast. You'll feel the difference right away!

Sandra Meyerowitz, Registered Dietitian and owner of Nutrition Works, a health promotion company specializing in weight loss, wellness and sports nutrition. Visit Nutrition Works at

Licensed provider for Real Living Nutrition Services®, an online nutrition coaching service for weight loss. Try the sensible approach to eating right.

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Slim Fast : Fast Weight Loss Programs

Slim Fast

Many people got depressed with their weight, that’s why they are keep looking for something miracles. Some of them finally ran away to a program called “Slim Fast Weight Loss or Diet”. The basic of slim fast weight loss is you will only permitted to eat everything in dinner, (but still, don’t eat too much, keep in your own standard) but in breakfast and lunch, you must only eat their shakes and bars plus fruits (you will need to buy those slim fast diet bars and shakes). For some people, it’s silly but for another kind of people, it is working. So let’s discuss about this slim fast weight loss or diet.

This can be very hard for you who never tried this diet plan, and for me, you need to balance your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You will realize it is hard not eat any tasty foods in breakfast and lunch. You should eat healthy foods with much nutrition in it, and I think it is OK to eat tasty foods as well, just don’t eat them too much.

Back to slim fast diet, usually they will suggest you to drink seven or eight glasses of water daily. Water can help your metabolism faster. Beside eight glasses of water, they also will ask you to take exercises. The problems are slim fast diet shakes and bars are expensive for many people and you will realize in the end, you are on your own. If you are a man who had good self-reliance, you maybe think this slim fast diet is good for you. But unfortunately, most people can’t live on their own, they will always need support from others and this kind of people will fail in slim fast diet.

Face the truth. In the 21st century, most people are obsessed with their objective. If you want to have a good income, you will try harder than ever in your works. If you want to get a good image in front of people, you will buy a new and expensive car. Same to weight loss problems. If you want to lose weight, you will always search for something fast, and usually you will search for weight loss pills to help you.

Experiences prove that most weight loss pills which claimed they can help you to lose weight fast are scams. When you got scammed by those fake weight loss pills, then you will search for any fast weight loss exercises. Unfortunately, most exercise programs promised you kind of fast weight loss program too. And this kind of program will never help you.

So what can help you to lose weight? Weight loss pills which did not promised you anything fast, maybe can help you. But the most important things to do are control yourself when you are eating foods and take some exercises. You will need to be patient. Patience is the key to lose weight. You can lose weight faster only if you have dedication and patience.

If you only take exercises in one month and the result you only lose 2-3 pounds, don’t give up. Take more exercises and you’ll achieve your goal. If you even lose 15-20 pounds in one month, then don’t get too excited. Most people celebrate their “successful weight loss program” with eating too much tasty foods.

You need to keep discipline in your life and don’t ever celebrate something with eating too much foods. So we get 4 lesson for today:

1. Don’t believe in any fast weight loss programs/pills

2. You always need discipline, dedication, and patience. If in one month you realize you didn’t achieve your goal in your weight loss program, then don’t give up.

3. Control yourself when you eat, whenever and where ever. Healthy and natural foods are the best and you will always need them.

4. Don’t forget to take exercises routinely.

Hi, if you want to know how to lose weight and all the best weight loss pills, you should read all my articles and visit my websites.

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Slim Fast : Fast Weight Loss Exercises That Sculpt, Tone, and Slim Your Body Almost Immediately!

Slim Fast

Here are some of the best FAST weight loss exercises that you can do. If you think you need to go to the gym and waste time there, you thought WRONG! I'm going to give you some simple solutions that are not only superior to gym exercises, but also save you a ton of time.

Fast Weight Loss Exercises

1. Hula Hooping with a weighted hula hoop

This not only is perfect for convenient weight loss, it totally sculpts the areas of your waist and hips. Imagine some beautiful, feminine curves... well, that's what this will do to your body in a few short weeks. You only need 10 minutes a day and the best part is you can do it 1-2 minutes at a time.

2. Walking... but wait, there is a twist here

Walking is so-so for weight loss, but here's what you can do to burn up to 30% more calories during the same boring walk. Take at least 1 deep breath for each minute you walk. The added oxygen will help to oxidate and burn off your fat.

3. Trampoline jumping

I don't expect you to get a big backyard trampoline, but a mini-trampoline is perfect for the living room. Just plop it down right there in front of the TV and jump on it during commercials or whenever you have some free time. There's nothing to it. I prefer you do it a couple minutes often instead of 1 long workout. But you do what works best for you and your schedule.

These are 3 of the best, and simplest fast weight loss exercises you can possibly do if your whole goal is to slim your body quickly.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

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Slim Fast : Five Effective Ways To Get Slim Fast

Slim Fast

All of us want to stay in shape and look much younger than our age. But due to our bad eating habits, lack of exercise and sometimes due to our genetic dispositions, we keep gaining in weight. This leads us to relentlessly think about ways in which we can get slim and that too, fast. When in the advertisements we see models claiming to lose tens of pounds in just a few weeks by trying some or the other product, we also feel tempted to use that product and get slim fast. These models also claim that they have not restrain themselves from eating and they were continuing their own eating habits but the product they used was really good and helped them look slim without actual diet.

What we must be definitely interested in is safe and effective methods to get slim fast; methods that will not play havoc with the internal chemistry of the body. The following are five of the most popular methods used:-

Proper diet

Obviously, diet is the primary factor, because this is what we are directly introducing into the body. If you research on diets, you will get several kinds of them, and each of them has a different logic to make your body slim fast. There are low carbohydrates, high protein, low fat, totally fruit, totally liquids ... so many different kinds of diets. You must do a proper research on them and then decide which of them is really good for you. And when you are on a diet, try to be as faithful to the diet as possible.


The lifestyle you lead decides a lot about how obese or how slim you will be. If you lead a lifestyle parked on an office chair for most hours of the day, you are surely going to put on weight. If you have vices like smoking, alcoholism, etc. they are also going to take a toll on your health and add those ungainly pounds. The reason is that these substances do not allow your body to function properly, which disturbs the digestive metabolism greatly.

Everyone advocates exercise as the best way to get slim fast, and it is indeed true. Exercise helps to burn off the excess fat and makes your body trimmer and fitter. You must spend a couple of hours each day doing the right kinds of exercises, and you will surely find the difference that makes to your body.

Body Cleansing

Cleansing your body internally makes a big difference to your overall health, and is of paramount importance in weight loss. When you cleanse your body, you are removing all the excess residual toxic materials that have built up inside it. That improves the functions of the body, and helps your body to metabolize better. The primary result of keeping your body internally clean is that you will not gain unwanted pounds anywhere in your body.

Using Herbal Supplements

All herbal supplements are primarily targeted at keeping your body working in the best possible manner. This optimum limit of functioning is brought about by a variety of herbs which are formulated in the right proportions to create these herbal supplements. The best part of using the herbal supplements to keep your body functioning in the right manner is that they are absolutely safe to use, and you never have to worry about any side-effects when you are using them.

For more information on Bioslim is one of the most effective herbal supplement that will not only make you lose weight but will also help you in getting in shape.

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Slim Fast : Slim Fast Optima

Slim Fast

If you own a television then you probably have seen the old Tommy Lasorda commercials where he drank Slim Fast and lost all his extra weight. These days they use fitness models but the fact that we have all heard of Slim Fast still remains - in fact Slim Fast has been around for 20 years. Their weight loss program is based on substituting meals with convenience products – such as shakes, ready to drink powders, bars, and snacks. They built their whole program around their shakes – and are probably the best known weight loss liquid meal replacement program. Within the last few years Slim Fast has expanded into the on line world by joining forces with the weight loss super giant eDiets. The new on line presence allows Slim Fast to provide some of the usual weight loss tools for their members.

Slim Fast has many good qualities – such as encouraging exercise, drinking plenty of water, and eating often throughout the day. People have been using this program for years to maintain a healthy weight. Recently Slim Fast released their Optima Products. The benefit behind these new products is that they contain lower sugar content then their previous package.

Does Slim Fast Work?

Yes it does. Studies have shown that the program has caused sustained weight loss in over weight men and woman. When the study results came back they showed that people who followed the Slim Fast Meal Plan routinely to lose and manage their weight were, on average, 33 pounds thinner after a decade as compared to a matched group from the same community who chose not to participate in the study. The community based study is one of the longest studies ever to track people using a certain weight loss management approach.

Pros vs. Cons

When you have a meal replacement program people tend to question the results. It has been suggested that if the users of the program were to return to normal food all the weight they had lost would eventually return. However, this has more to do with the personal habits of the user then the actual program. When Slim Fast combined themselves with eDiets – they opened new doors into their program. Through eDiets you can choose from 2 different plans – Calorie-Controlled, Low Carb, or the traditional Low Fat plan – so there are a number of different options.

Previous to the arrival of the Optima Program, many questioned the high sugar content of the shakes and bars. In order to address the issue Slim Fast introduced Optima foods. The advantage to Slim Fast is that it’s a good way to achieve healthy portion control, and thereby lose weight.

For a wide variety of the best weight loss programs, exercise programs, and some of the best FREE fitness information on the web visit

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Slim Fast : Diet Program Review: Slim Fast

Slim Fast

Slim Fast is the most common diet shake available on the market today. Its plan allows for a shake at breakfast, lunch, and then a normal dinner. It also allows two pieces of fruit and a Slim Fast bar as a snack. According to nutrition experts, the Slim Fast plan does have healthy aspects. It is an easy plan to follow and promotes healthy exercise and drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Slim Fast centers its weight loss program on products made by their own company. Traditional shakes and nutrition bars are what the diet mostly consists of, making it obvious that the one meal you eat for dinner must consist of nutritious and wholesome foods since your shakes only add vitamins and minerals. The goal for dieters on Slim Fast is to stay away from high-fat, calorie dense foods, and eat a diet that is high in fiber and vitamins instead.

The problem with the Slim Fast plan is that the caloric limit is set so low that it can be bad for any long-term goal of weight loss. Each shake only contains around 250 calories, add in the shakes and regular meal, and you are likely to be only consuming 1,300 calories a day. It seems reasonable that reducing calories is the key to weight loss, but when you reduce too many, you are experiencing one of Slim Fast`s biggest problems!

The only good thing that Slim Fast had ever done was that it introduced meal replacement shakes to the consumer. Slim Fast may have been good when it first same out, but with today`s diet choices, there are much better diet programs available. I simply do not recommend the Slim Fast dieting program if you are looking for long-term weight loss results. With that being said, I still feel that Slim Fast shakes and nutritional bars are a good complement to one`s diet. If Slim Fast would change their "2 shakes a day" plan to one shake a day, I would reconsider my opinion of them. But until they change it, I`m going to stay away from it.


Slim Fast : Slim Fast Optima Diet Plan - Is It Safe During Pregnancy?

Slim Fast

The quick and easy answer to this question is no. It is not recommended to drink slim fast during a pregnancy. Remember what are you trying to do with the slim fast product, loss weight? What is the baby trying to gain during a pregnancy? The baby is trying to gain weight. This is counter productive for both the mother and especially for the baby and takes away vital nutrients that are needed to keep the baby healthy during its developmental stages.

The act of dieting and skipping meals can and will affect the development of a continuously development baby fetus. I quote from Health Canada, "restricting weight gain can increase your chance for delivering a low birth weight infant."

The weight of the fetus is not the only concern to think about before drinking slim fast during pregnancy. Slim fast will not target the changes that a pregnant mother goes through. First, the mother has an increase in blood volume. Second, the mother’s breast becomes enlarged in preparation for the mothers to feed the baby. Third, placenta, and amniotic fluid very important for your babies’ development and helps to maintain a healthy developmental environment while your baby develops. All of these added together will increase weight that may be counted as excessive. But these are very important to a pregnant mother and should not be targeted with diets that draw away precious weight needed for the babies’ development.

If still concerned about weight and you are interested in controlling your calorie intake to prevent excessive weight gain, it is recommended to consult with your physician who can recommend a nutritionist to help determine and monitor the correct levels fo calorie intake that will be first safe for you baby and second prevent any excessive weight gain that you may be concerned with.

Kenneth Ellliott is the owner of first symptom of pregnancy This website concentrates on giving facts that help pregnant women. Also see: Pregnancy without the pounds and Pregnancy Exercise Tips

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Slim Fast : Medifast Or Slim Fast - Which Is Better?

Slim Fast

I've lost sixty pounds on medifast and am often asked to explain the differences between these two plans. I suppose people think that because both plans have fast in the name, they are similar. Although both are meal replacement plans, there are some key differences, which I will discuss in this article. First, though, I will go over the similarities.

The Similarities: The main similarity is that both are in theory meal replacement programs which offer bars and shakes. Both plans require that you replace or supplement your regular meals with products from the plan, but this is pretty much where the similarities end.

The Major Differences: The main differences between the plans are in: the variety of the products offered; the frequency of regular food supplementation; and the nutrition of the products:

1. Offerings And Variety: One key difference between the two plans is in the variety offered. Slim fast is based mostly on just shakes and bars. Medifast is not. Although the shakes and bars are popular choices, there are over 70 choices in the plan. For example, in addition to bars and shakes, there are eggs, oatmeals, chilis, soups, stews, puddings, lattes, cappuccinos, fruit drinks, crackers, etc.

2. The Amount Of Supplementation: Another difference is that one of the plans (slim fast) is arguably more of a meal supplementation than a replacement. That's because you're required to provide your own food in addition to the bars and shakes for many of your meals. For example, you are really only doing a full replacement at breakfast. You consume only a shake or bar in the morning, but for the rest of the day, you are eating a bar or shake with your regular sensible meals and you provide your own snacks. Medifast only requires you to provide your own food once per day. I eat five of the plan's meals and one larger meal that I prepare myself. Whether you prefer the replacement or the supplementation is a personal decision based on how much you embrace meal preparation and how many daily choices you want to make.

3. The Nutrition: In my opinion, the biggest difference between these two plans is in the nutrition of the products. As a general rule, medifast products are lower in sugar and carbs. As just one example, Slim fasts' creamy optima shake has 18 grams of sugar and 25 grams of carbs. In contrast medifast's dutch chocolate shake has only 6 grams of sugar and 12 grams of carbs. This is a striking difference if you are going to be consuming more than one per day. Many of medifast's products are soy based and are high in protein and low in carbs. They are designed this way to put your body in ketosis so that you burn more fat.

This is only my opinion, but in my personal experience, slim fast seems to appeal more to dieters looking to quickly lose ten pounds or less for an upcoming occasion. Although medifast also works quickly, because of the larger variety and full nutrition offered, this plan seems to appeal more to dieters who are seeking a long term change or have more weight to lose.

Which plan is better for you will depend on your personal objectives and preferences, but I hope this article made the choice easier by showing you the key differences.

Lindsey Price is the author of the free ebook "Getting The Most Out Of Medifast" which includes coupons, tips and recipes. To get a free copy (immediate download / no information required), click here. You can also visit her diet review website at

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Slim Fast : Quit Asking "Does Slim Fast Work?"

Slim Fast

You really want to know does slim fast work? I'll get to the answer in a minute. First, you should probably examine why you are looking for a shortcut to losing weight. We live in a increasingly sedentary world, laziness is accepted at every corner and sending millions to the coroner way too soon. The more weight you carry around the more you increase your chance of a heart related disease. I am not here to scare you, if I do I apologize. The are cures for the illness of obesity, if you are willing to start to change your lifestyle.

So does Slim Fast work? Yes, it's works quite well for short term weight loss. Understand once you stop guzzling can after can, the weight you lost will only come back two fold. In order to keep weight off your body, you need to forever change your lifestyle. Sure it's not very easy to change habits you have ingrained into your mind. If you can change your mind then you can change your body.

Here are a few steps you can take to end your unhealthy lifestyle so you never have to wonder does Slim Fast work.

  1. Begin eating six small meals everyday. Eat a source of lean protein, fiber, complex carbohydrate with every meal. Once you change your eating habits, a healthier future is in your grasp. Please be patient with yourself when you start changing your eating habits. You may make a mistake or two. Do not beat yourself up, just get back to your healthy eating habit.s
  2. Start drinking more water. Most of the worlds population does not drink enough water. The benefits of drinking water are incredible. For one, your skin will look and feel healthier. Second, the more water you consume the less you will eat at meal time. Water will make you feel fuller before your meal ends. Most people over eat because they never realize their full.
  3. Please begin some type of fitness regimen. If you are way overweight you can begin walking in the evenings after your last meal. Those who are looking to shed a few pounds can join a gym and begin an intense workout routine coupled with cardio and weight training.

Once you take the first step to a healthier life keep walking and end in a sprint. Do not give up on yourself, visualize yourself looking thin and trim. Stay focused on that vision and never let go of it. At least now you no longer wonder does Slim Fast work!

You can continue taking days off your life or you can further your education and discover more breakthrough tips which will lead you to a healthier lifestyle. Go now to Lose Fat Fast or you can wait and see how your health decreases and the hospital bills rack up. Only you can make the change.

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Slim Fast : Lose Weight and Feel Great Diet Plan

Slim Fast

We have all heard of the Slim Fast Diet plan because it has been around for 20 years now and is more popular than ever. They used to use Tommy Lasorda as their pitch man and he was great because he used the plan and lost a lot of weight. Now the company has moved on to Fitness Models and they have helped the brand become as popular as it is.

The original product was there famous shakes which is a meal replacement. They have since added many different snack bars and drink powders to there line of weigh loss products.

The company has always promoted not only using there weight loss products but to mix there products with a balanced diet and exercise plan. Recently the company has released a new weight loss product called Slim Fast Optima, and the advantage to using this product is that it is a low sugar alternative to the original Slim Fast Drink.

Studies show that Slim Fast works and has helped people have substantial weight loss and they have also been able to keep the weight off. It also showed that over a 10 year period the people who used the weight loss drink were on average 33 pounds thinner than those who did not. The study was done in a particular community and is one of the largest studies done of its kind.

People sometimes question a meal replacement plan that when you return to regular eating that you will gain all the weight back. The studies show that the habit that is formed from not having that meal will continue and that you will feel full and will not want to eat a large meal.

Learn how to find: Slim Fast Optima Secrets

Get Great Advice About: Losing Weight

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Weight Loss.


Slim Fast : Have You Had Your Chocolate Shake For Breakfast?

Slim Fast

Slim Fast and the Slim Fast diet plan have been around for more than 20 years now. Without a doubt they have become the most popular diet shake around. But, does this weight loss plan really work?

The Slim Fast Diet Plan

The Slim Fast plan is not difficult to follow. You have a Slim Fast shake for breakfast in the morning and another one for lunch. For dinner, the plan calls for a "sensible" meal. Sensible can mean many different things to people, but that's another story.

You can also have two pieces of fruit each day as well as one of Slim Fast's nutritional bars.

The shakes and nutritional bars can be purchased at any grocery store or Wal-Mart.

The Slim Fast diet plan also includes regular exercise and encourages you to drink 8 glasses of water a day. These are two important points and keys to success in any type of weight loss program.

Does the plan work?

The Slim Fast plan will reduce your daily calories to around 1200 if you eat that sensible dinner each night. This means that anyone should lose weight with the plan.

While you can definitely lose weight with Slim Fast, there are some drawbacks. Since this is a calorie restricted diet, you may not get enough vitamins and minerals to maintain good health. A multi vitamin could help.

The reliance on making yourself a sensible dinner can also be difficult. Because you have only had 2 shakes all day along with a piece of fruit, you're going to be hungry. It's very easy to get carried away at dinner. It will take some extra discipline to make it work.

By the way, you can learn more about How To Lose Weight as well as see the results from the plan I've been on and much more information on weight loss on my blog at The Idiot Proof Diet

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Slim Fast : The Day Off Diet Vs the Slim Fast Diet

Slim Fast

"Help! I'm starving on the slim fast diet!"

I can't begin to tell you how many people follow the slim fast liquid diet in hopes of shedding unwanted pounds quickly. What most dieters do not realize is, is that the slim fast diet is a crash diet, as you lose weight you also lose precious muscle mass. This program is not filling and rarely suppresses anyones appetite, I cannot even begin to tell you what a bad idea this program is. Your weight will eventually stall, and when you go back to eating "real food" the weight will come back.

What if I told you that there is a plan that requires you to eat as much as you want and still lose a significant amount of weight, would you be interested?

Imagine, how different your life would be if you stopped feeling guilty over food. You can and will lose weight with The Day Off diet, as soon as you download the program you will understand the secrets to eating the right foods in order to turn off your fat storing hormones. The Day Off Diet actually requires you to take a day off every seventh day to eat whatever you want, this insures your long term weight loss success!

Will I be able to prepare my own foods and enjoy restaurant food?

Yes! This is one of the biggest perks of The Day Off Diet, it totally conforms to your lifestyle. When you're on the slim fast diet, you can't eat lunch out with co-workers or friends. How embarrassing is to "drink your lunch" in front of people. Nothing screams "I'm fat and desperate" more than drinking a Slim Fast Shake. With The Day Off Diet program, you will be able to eat at your favorite restaurants any day of the week. They will even provide you with menu suggestions and recipes for delicious foods you can make at home.

The Day Off Diet is one program that allows you to eat real food and enjoy dinners out with friends while losing weight.
Its possible to finally lose weight quickly without going hungry! yay! xoxo Lucinda


Slim Fast : Drinking Your Way to Weight Loss

Slim Fast

You may have seen one of the ever-present cans in the grocery store and been tempted to pick it up. Yet, you're not sure whether Slim-Fast will be effective in helping you to lose weight. You should know that the Slim-Fast program is considered quite successful in the fight against fat-although not everyone is sold on the plan.

Nearly thirty years ago, S. Daniel Abraham revolutionized weight loss programs with the Slim-Fast drink. According to the company website, Slim-Fast represents a sensible way to slim down. In fact, more than two dozen medical studies indicate that the diet program is a winning formula for losing weight. Slim-Fast is considered to be a nutritionally-balanced plan, offering dieters proteins, carbohydrates, and a healthy amount of fat.

One of the recommendations of the Slim-Fast program is its convenience. You can drink on the run, enabling you to fit nutrition into your busy day. In addition, the program is considered far less expensive than other diet plans, particularly pre-packaged diet plans such as NutriSystem and Jenny Craig. Slim-Fast also now offers more variety. In addition to all the different flavors of shakes it offers, Slim-Fast also provides dieters with soup, pasta, and nutrition bars. In all, Slim-Fast now features more than a hundred different products. If you follow the Slim-Fast plan, you will need to eat three meals each day, along with three snacks made up of fruits and vegetables. Two of the meals and one snack must be made up of Slim-Fast products. Because of the frequency with which you'll be eating, you shouldn't suffer from hunger pains. One study actually showed that individuals who used Slim-Fast over a period of a decade were 33 pounds lighter than dieters who did not use Slim-Fast products.

Another advantage to the Slim-Fast program is that you don't have to worry about counting calories, cooking meals, or figuring out portion sizes. Slim-Fast has, in essence, done the work for you. Also, you can now choose between two different Slim-Fast programs: the Optima Diet and the Plan for a Low-Carb Lifestyle.

The company's website contends that the program is a proven weight loss tool. Dieters have had success in maintaining their weight over one to five years' duration. A spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association has called the website "user-friendly." By visiting the site, you can be put in touch with registered dieticians who can answer your concerns. The website also offers a support group, which can be a critical factor in maintaining weight loss over the long term.

Slim-Fast's goals as far as weight loss is concerned follow government guidelines. The idea is to lose ten percent of one's weight over six months, meaning that one would shed no more than two pounds a week. Slim-Fast's plan calls for only 30 minutes of exercise a day, which seems entirely doable. Dieters may also be inspired by the success stories posted on the company's website.

However, there are disadvantages to the Slim-Fast program. For instance, if you don't like the taste of the shakes or food, you could find it difficult to continue with the meal plan. Also, some people report feeling hungry, despite eating the recommended portions of food. Slim-Fast, in essence, does the thinking for you, so, for the most part, you do not get the experience of shopping for wholesome food for yourself. You might also tire of the program quickly, causing you to gain back the weight you initially lost. While Slim-Fast may be effective for the short-term, it is a difficult program to maintain for life.

As a result, Slim-Fast gets mixed reviews-even from members of the medical community. While some dietitians are fans of meal replacement programs, others see them as potentially harmful and nutritionally inadequate. Whether you can effectively lose weight with Slim-Fast depends upon whether you have the discipline and desire to remain with the program for the long-term. If you start to use Slim-Fast for a while, then stop, you will likely gain back the weight you initially lost. However, for decades now, Slim-Fast has been winning the hearts of dieters and the company shows no signs of slowing down in the near future. Slim-Fast may be one way that you can drink yourself to optimum weight loss.

To your weight loss,

Mohd Shahreil


This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Slim Fast : The Facts About the Slim Fast Diet Plan

Slim Fast

If you are shopping around for a diet plan then you should take a closer look at the Slim Fast Diet plan. This plan has been around for more than 20 years now and has a great track record of success. Most people find that the meal replacement shakes make it a very easy plan to do when you are a busy person and need something fast and easy.

The basic plan is that you have a shake for breakfast and then another for lunch. For dinner they want you to have a diet that is rich in vegetable along with protein. You are also allowed to have a couple of fruits and slim fast bars during the day. They also recommend that you consume t least eight glasses of water per day which works well for weight loss along with flushing out your system.

The diet is east to do but you need to make sure that you also add a daily vitamin to your diet to make sure that you get enough in your body. As with any diet plan it is also recommended that you find an exercise plan that you feel comfortable doing a few times a week.

As with loosing weight finding a diet plan that works well with your lifestyle is one of the main factors to success. Using the Slim Fast plan can help you loose weight and feel great. It is always good advise than when you start a diet plan like this one that in the first few weeks that you stick closely to the plan so that your body gets adjusted to the diet.

Learn how to find the: Slim Fast Diet Plan

Get some Advice about: Losing Weight

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Health & Fitness.


Slim Fast : Slim Fast Diet Plan Does It Really Work?

Slim Fast

If you have had problems with your weight, you have likely noticed Slim-fast ads. Slim-fast proclaims itself to be a sure-fire way to lose weight. If you have considered weight loss using Slim-fast, here are some things you should know about the program.

Slim-fast is a calorie controlled diet program. You will eat meals and snacks designed by the Slim-fast company every time you eat with the exception of dinner. You are advised to eat a "sensible meal" when you eat your dinner. The program will provide you with recipes and meal suggestions to use for your dinner meal.

If you choose to use the Slim-fast program, you will eat three meals and three snacks throughout the day. Slim-fast offers a variety of meal replacement products. The most famous meal replacement option is the Slim-fast shake. These come in a variety of flavors and can be purchased pre-made or in powder form. You can also buy meal replacement bars to eat during your meal times.

A Slim-fast breakfast consists of a shake or bar. At lunchtime you will eat a meal replacement product along with 200 calories of food. You can choose the food, but you must stick to the 200-calorie amount. The program's website provides advice as to what types of meals constitute 200 calories. They also have pre-made foods, such as mini-pizzas, available for you to use.

Dinner is the only meal when you do not eat a Slim-fast product when using this program. At dinnertime, you need to eat around 500 calories of food. This should be split between proteins, starches, and vegetables. Half of your meal should be vegetables on this meal plan.

You get three snacks during the day while on the Slim-fast plan. You can choose pre-made snacks or a variety of healthy snack options. You will eat one snack between breakfast and lunch, one between lunch and dinner, and an after dinner snack as your desert option. Snack time is when you can consume fruits on the Slim-fast meal plan.

So does Slim-fast work? It does if you stick to the plan. Any time you control your calories in this manner, you will lose weight. Sometimes people on the Slim-fast plan get burnt out on the shakes and meal replacement options. However, the program can be very flexible. It is also easy to implement into a busy lifestyle. You will receive the nutrients your body needs while controlling your calories if you choose this eating plan.

One potential downside to Slim-fast is the fact that the program does not really teach you how to eat in a healthy manner. When you go off of the eating program, you will easily revert back to your previous eating habits. Also, you will have to purchase the program's meal replacement products, which can get expensive.

Want some Free Diet Programs ? Then try this information on the Lemonade Diet or the Low Carb Diet!

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