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Slim Fast : Slim Fast Optima

Slim Fast

If you own a television then you probably have seen the old Tommy Lasorda commercials where he drank Slim Fast and lost all his extra weight. These days they use fitness models but the fact that we have all heard of Slim Fast still remains - in fact Slim Fast has been around for 20 years. Their weight loss program is based on substituting meals with convenience products – such as shakes, ready to drink powders, bars, and snacks. They built their whole program around their shakes – and are probably the best known weight loss liquid meal replacement program. Within the last few years Slim Fast has expanded into the on line world by joining forces with the weight loss super giant eDiets. The new on line presence allows Slim Fast to provide some of the usual weight loss tools for their members.

Slim Fast has many good qualities – such as encouraging exercise, drinking plenty of water, and eating often throughout the day. People have been using this program for years to maintain a healthy weight. Recently Slim Fast released their Optima Products. The benefit behind these new products is that they contain lower sugar content then their previous package.

Does Slim Fast Work?

Yes it does. Studies have shown that the program has caused sustained weight loss in over weight men and woman. When the study results came back they showed that people who followed the Slim Fast Meal Plan routinely to lose and manage their weight were, on average, 33 pounds thinner after a decade as compared to a matched group from the same community who chose not to participate in the study. The community based study is one of the longest studies ever to track people using a certain weight loss management approach.

Pros vs. Cons

When you have a meal replacement program people tend to question the results. It has been suggested that if the users of the program were to return to normal food all the weight they had lost would eventually return. However, this has more to do with the personal habits of the user then the actual program. When Slim Fast combined themselves with eDiets – they opened new doors into their program. Through eDiets you can choose from 2 different plans – Calorie-Controlled, Low Carb, or the traditional Low Fat plan – so there are a number of different options.

Previous to the arrival of the Optima Program, many questioned the high sugar content of the shakes and bars. In order to address the issue Slim Fast introduced Optima foods. The advantage to Slim Fast is that it’s a good way to achieve healthy portion control, and thereby lose weight.

For a wide variety of the best weight loss programs, exercise programs, and some of the best FREE fitness information on the web visit

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