What Not to Eat
Sugar: Sugars are an absolute No. It will be hard to completely cut out sugar from your diet but you should still be able to reduce it significantly. There is absolutely nothing beneficial in sugar for you. It just adds to your belly fat. Sugars give you that fat ring that wraps around your waist which I like to call your "Snack Pack."
Fats: Stay away from trans fats. Trans fat is one of the worst things you can put into your body. It leads to high cholesterol levels and many heart problems. Saturated fats are also a big No. It has the same effects as trans fat but isn't quite as bad. For Women these fats will build up all over your body. Men tend to gain the fat on their stomach.
Breads and Rice: If your a big bread and rice eater try to stick with 100 percent whole grains. Stay away from white breads and rice. These are what we call Complex Carbohydrates. These starchy carbs turn into sugar within a few minutes of you digesting them. Also with whole grains you get more of the daily fiber you need in your body.
A Few things to Include in your Diet
A couple of things that are a must are eggs. Try to just eat the egg whites. Yolk is just full of cholesterol and does nothing beneficial for you other than taste. Eggs contain high amounts of protein which is the best thing you can put into your body.
Fruits and Vegetables. This is where your going to get your daily dose of vitamins. Fruits and Vegetables are great for snacks during the day. Substitute these for chips or any Gas Station snacks you usually get.
Chicken, Turkey, and Tuna. These are lean meats that contain small if not any amounts of fat. That is the key behind weight loss. These like eggs contain high amounts of Protein.
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