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Slim Fast: Slim Seduction Diet Pill - Can it Seduce Your Waist Line?

Slim Seduction, manufactured by Global Nutrition Sciences, has been seducing our radio air waves for some time now with its heavy promotion of the "accidentally discovered libido boosting diet pill". Can you imagine having a passion pill that can increase your romantic desire while losing weight by boosting your metabolism by 500%? Sounds great doesn't it? Before we purchase a years worth, let's take a step back to consider the following.

After performing research on this product, I was a little more than surprised that the scientists were surprised about the fat burning claims of Slim Seduction. There were several scientific references cited on the SS website surrounding the ingredients contained within this product. These ingredients are your A typical blend seen in most common dietary supplements for losing weight. So it's a big shocker they missed that one. However, let's try to look beyond the clever marketing ploy and determine if Slim Seduction can actually help you reach your fitness goals.

The concert of ingredients found in this supplement can actually perform well when used with a proper diet program. In fact, All 10 ingredients are geared only towards weight loss. Advantra Z, also known as bitter orange, Green Tea, and Guarana are some of the more popular ingredients.

Performing a Search for any of these ingredients in your favorite search engine will provide a greater explanations on their ability to suppress the appetite, regulate metabolism, and help reduce stored fat cells.

That being said, those looking for the libido boost may be sorely disappointed. There are no indications the ingredients in it can actually promote romantic desires. It is in my opinion that the advertised libido boost, if any, is merely physiological. Although I was unable to locate any scientific studies, it is not uncommon for one to feel more attractive and have higher self esteem while on a diet or workout program that shows results.

Can the Slim Seduction diet pill help reduce your waist line? Probably, but no more than eating healthy and walking 30 minutes a day.

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