What do they do?
This diet plan educates you on how to be healthy. Based on information gathered by a scientific board, you can now make knowledgeable decisions on your own which in turn motivates you to be able to do more. Weight Watchers empowers instead of controls.
How is it done?
Knowledge is power and motivation is the key. The Weight Watchers diet plan focuses on the person, not on the activity. Support groups meet weekly or more often to give encouragement and instructions. Weight Watchers doesn't tell you what to eat; the assign points to you daily and it's up to you to fill in those points based on a chart that is supplied once you sign up. Physical activity is also assigned points and members are encouraged to take up to 4 points, or about 90 minutes, of exercise daily. Weight loss is based on the individual's Body Mass Index (BMI). Weight Watcher's goal is to get each individual to a BMI of -25.
Why does it work? Any better alternatives?
The reason why this diet plan is highly respected is that it allows the individual to control his or her weight loss within a controlled, structured system. It is in effect, training the individual to have a new lifestyle, with new views on food and activity and good habits. They still allow you to eat your favorite or comfort food in moderate amounts which lessens the chance of the person bingeing on food. They give the dieter the support that is badly needed, whether during the group meetings or now, online.
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