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Slim Fast: How Do I Compare the Taste of Slim Fast Shakes to Medifast Shakes? Here's How

I get a lot of questions asking me to compare Medifast shakes to other popular brands. Probably one of the most common requests is for a comparison to Slim Fast. And, the criteria that appears to be most important to people is the taste. So, in the following article, I will compare the taste of these two diet shakes as well as nutrition and my opinion on effectiveness.

Slim Fast Tastes Much Sweeter Than Medifast And Has An Odd Texture: For the purposes of being fair, I'm going to be comparing the dutch chocolate flavor and the chocolate royale from Slim Fast. These are the closest in flavor that I can find and I believe they are among the most popular flavors from both plans.

The difference that is immediately apparent when you taste both of these products is that Slim Fast is much sweeter. To me, it's too sweet and a bit much. And, looking at the sugar content of both products, I can see that this is not my imagination. Medifast has only 8 grams of sugar and is sweetened by fructose and cocoa powder and Slim Fast has almost three times as much (18 grams) and is sweetened by sugar and cocoa powder.

Don't get me wrong. I have a sweet tooth and I want my shakes to taste like a treat, but I don't like for them to taste artificial and to make me pucker my lips in response. Also, the slim shakes are incredibly thick. To that end, they don't go down easily. I found it necessary to pour the shake over ice to be able to tolerate it enough to choke the whole thing down. This is only my opinion though. Yours might certainly be different.

In Terms Of Nutrition, In My Opinion, Slim Fast Comes Up Short Also: I know that the taste is going to be important. But honestly, isn't the whole point of consuming these products that they help you to lose some weight or to maintain the weight loss you've already had? I question if Slim Fast is going to be as effective. One shake has 190 calories, 24 grams of carbohydrates, and 18 grams of sugar. Guess which shake has only 90 calories, 13 grams of carbs, and 8 grams of sugar? You probably guessed it. And, if you look at it completely, one of these shakes has almost twice the amount of calories, sugars and carbs.

Does this mean that one is going to have 1/2 the effectiveness? I don't know, but I wouldn't want to chance it. Because in order to lose weight quickly and effectively, you should cover all bases. You want less calories, less carbs, and less sugars. And only one of these products offers all three. Overall, I much prefer the taste of Medifast. But more than that, I strongly suspect that it's going to be the more effective product as well.

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