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Slim Fast: How to Compare Slimfast to Medifast

One of the most widely acclaimed diets in the market is the Medifast and the Slimfast. Both diets use a meal plan that consists of different foods, usually snack bars, shakes and meal bars that contain a lot of nutrients, but not a lot of calories. Although they seem somewhat similar, the actual meal plans vary, and so do the benefits.

To compare Slimfast to Medifast, the former entails an individual to consume regular meals alongside the snack bars and meal bars. The Medifast, on the other hand, provides meals alongside the bars, like chili, stews, puddings and oatmeal. In Medifast, an individual is only required to prepare one meal, in a day, for himself. In short, Slimfast is more like a meal supplement than a meal replacement diet. It is only during breakfast that a person is entailed to eat a snackbar without consuming anything else.

Another difference between the two is the nutritional value that can be derived. To compare Slimfast to Medifast, the latter's meals and bars are low in both carbs and sugar than the former. The Medifast meals are also soy-based which means that the foods contain plenty of proteins. The nutritional value of Medifast meals are made this way so as to induce the body to go into the ketosis state. The ketosis state encourages the body to burn more fat.

Although both diets aim to help the individual lose weight, many people who have tried both programs recommend the Slimfast diet for those who wish to lose about ten pounds or less. The Medifast diet, on the other hand, is recommended for people who wish to shed off much more pounds.

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